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Robotic furniture designed to expand space.

We help hotels and property developers to optimize space and improve guest experience with our smart expandable bedroom solutions.

See how MASE can help

Stand-out from Competitors

Add our high-tech furnitures to your property and experience more satsified customers, higher willingness to pay and a significant differentiation from your competitors.

Save Space, Reduce Cost

MASE furnitures make it possible to live with the same comfort on fewer square meters, thus, making it possible to build more units on your property.

The bed that intelligently disapears in the ceiling, giving space to whatever you need.

With seamless interactions and no need for manual movements with fully intelligent motorised movements.

With integrated safety features, such as intelligent sensing, the bed can be operated safely in any setting and will not move unless clear.

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“This is the future of modern living. We want to explore how we can create better homes for more people, in a more sustainable way.”


Sustainability at the heart.

At MASE Home, sustainability is the reason why we are in business. With population growth and urbanisation, the need for innovative and sustainable ways of living together in a community have never been bigger. We want to contribute positively to meet the challenges with new innovative ways of modern living, that allows people to live more comfortably on a smaller footprint.

Meet our team

  • Founder & Head of Client

    Master degree Industrial Economy and Tech Mgmt. Professional experience as technology consultant working with C-level executives in Norway.

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  • Founder & Head of Product

    Master degree in Structural Design Engineering. Professional experience working with renowned architects and designers in Milano and London.

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Book a meeting with our design team, today.